If you’re a foreigner living in Japan, you must know how difficult is finding books in languages other than Japanese and English for a reasonable price. Oshima Shoten has the merit to offer high-quality books and paper books in English, French and even some in German for a cheaper price. Another special trait about Oshima Shoten is the fact that the prices don’t change so much between the books displayed outside or inside. Usually, the books placed outside the shop are cheaper, and the prices go rapidly up entering the shop, but Oshima Shoten is an exception. Of course, for the rarest and highest-quality books the prices go up everywhere, but in this shop, the max is said to be ¥5,000 for the most expensive ones.

Address: Kurata Building 1F, 1-1 Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Website: http://jimbou.info/town/ab/ab0027.html (Japanese only)