Igamenchi is deep-fried chopped squid tentacles and fins mixed with some fresh vegetables. It is a simple home-made dish that is served by many restaurants and Izakaya (Japanese pub) in Hirosaki city. Origin of the dish comes from a simple fact that seafood there used to be rare as Hirosaki is an inland area in Aomori. People used to rely on the dried squids to make a kind of fermented sushi in the past. It is said that while making the sushi, they have developed Igamenchi with the leftover squid tentacles and fins. There was nothing left to waste a thing! Everything was used quite perfectly. Usually, first squid tentacles are chopped, then washed, and mixed with veggies before frying them in the oil. It is a great accompaniment for drinks especially it is a quite popular dish in Izakaya.